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We have a world class online store where you can buy for direct factory prices on wholesale basis. You will find all the relevant information on the website itself. We have ready stock available. Order will be shipped tomorrow if you order today.On the website you will find beautiful handcrafted Wholesale Sterling Silver Jewelry from highly skilled in-house silversmiths. All the Items are 925 Solid Sterling Silver with Natural Gemstones. If you retail jewelry through a physical or online store requiring more variety than quantity then you have come to the right place.You have reasons to buy from our online store-1. You will be buying from direct manufacturer, not a trader. So you enjoy best possible prices and better quality control because being a manufacturer we do not have to depend on somebody to control the quality and purity.2. This is a wholesale only website. We have kept our minimum very low at 50 items in one time, just to differentiate consumers from sellers. You can even choose 50 different styles keeping quantity 1 of each style. There is no total minimum value required. There is no resale certificate number required.3. You will be choosing from a huge selection of Earrings, Pendants, Bracelets, Necklaces etc. enabling you to select the items for your very own target market.4. You will be buying from live stock. We stock everything we sell. Your order is shipped immediately after you complete the purchase.5. You will be paying on a secure PayPal page so we will never know your credit card number or other confidential information.6. You will be buying from a family owned business exporting jewelry since 1978, so you are assured for personalized service.7. Our commitment to your complete satisfaction by providing high quality products, outstanding customer service, great prices and speedy shipping has remained the same throughout our 30+ years of doing business with retailers and volume purchasers around the world
  • Transacties
Land / regio
Delhi, India
Belangrijkste productenTotaal aantal werknemers
11 - 50 People
Totale jaarlijkse omzet
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
Belangrijkste markten

Product Capaciteit

Factory Informatie

Below 1,000 square meters
Aantal productielijnen
Productie op contractbasis
OEM Service Offered, Design Service Offered, Buyer Label Offered
Jaarlijkse outputwaarde
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million

R & D Capaciteit

Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling

Less than 5 People